Error driver irql not less or equal windows 8.1
Error driver irql not less or equal windows 8.1

error driver irql not less or equal windows 8.1

Multiple people claimed that updating these drivers was a solution, or working for them. Nearly every forum stated there was an issue regarding Intel HD Graphics 4000 drivers

error driver irql not less or equal windows 8.1

I started seeing multiple forums in which people were claiming a couple of things. Many people, often gamers, were experiencing the same BSOD issue.

error driver irql not less or equal windows 8.1

I started looking up other forums and it seemed I was not alone on this issue. Last week I began to become frantic about trying to solve this issue. But it is now (nearly) the start of February. I was hoping an update would eventually come along. The # of games changed, but eventually, I would get a BSOD that stated. But these messages didn't really go away. I never had gotten them before, and I assumed maybe League had a bad patch. Shortly after I updated it, upon playing games of League of Legends (and if I was using other software like google chrome or spotify whilst playing league), I began seeing messages regarding low memory. I'm not really good with computers, I was updating for the sake of updating it. I downloaded the windows 8.1 update in November of 2013.


One of the first things I did was install the well known game "League of Legends," and I was able to use it pretty smoothly. My ASUS KC46 laptop was purchased in November of 2012. Why is this happening and how can I stop it so that I can use the most recently updated driver? I didn't put any function, I was browsing the internet and all of a sudden I noticed the driver was updating/changing. My computer, without me putting any setting or function, essentially updated the graphics driver to the one I previously had, the one that is allegedly responsible for my BSODs. Something odd happened a couple of minutes ago. Many have claimed that this BSOD issue was solved by this update, and I was hoping for the same thing. As a matter of fact, the overall procedure I used is. In order to avoid the BSOD regarding "igdkmd64.sys" and what is displayed in the title, I attempted to update my Intel HD Graphics 4000 driver to the most recent update (10.).

Error driver irql not less or equal windows 8.1